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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Premier Bank signs omnichannel solution deal with SSLCOMMERZ

Premier Bank recently signed an agreement with payment gateway provider SSLCOMMERZ for an omnichannel solution.
Shamsuddin Chowdhury, additional managing director of the bank, and Ahmed Kamal Khan Chowdhury, group adviser of the payment gateway aggregator, penned the deal at the former’s head office in Dhaka, said a press release.
Under this agreement, the omnichannel solution will be seamlessly integrated with the bank’s app ‘pmoney’ and other platforms, with various existing merchants allowing the bank customers to have more channels to pay for the products.
This centralised platform connects with merchants across diverse segments, including ISP, insurance, education, and ticketing.
Abdul Batin Choudhury, senior executive vice-president and head of corporate liability of the bank, Mohammad Shamim Murshed, senior executive vice-president and head of consumer banking division, Md Marufur Rahman Khan, senior executive vice-president and head of ADC and card division, Md Tareq Uddin, executive vice-president and head of brand marketing and communications, and Abu Md Sabbir Hassan Chowdhury, executive vice-president and chief information technology officer, were present.
Md Rahat Masood, partnership management head of the payment gateway aggregator, Md Sagir Ahmed, head of e-commerce, Mohiuddin Tawfik, head of banking and financial services, along with other higher officials of both the organisations were also present.
